

Multidisciplinary management of ovarian germ cell tumours—a single institutional study from India

14 Sep 2021
Sandip Ganguly, Sumedha Gargy, Archisman Basu, Meheli Chatterjee, Anik Ghosh, Basumita Chakraborti, Bivas Biswas, Deepak Dabkara, Shweta Rai, Arunava Roy, Sonia Mathai, Jaydip Bhaumik, Joydeep Ghosh

Background: Ovarian germ cell tumours constitute a heterogeneous group of neoplasm with malignant potential being seen in 5% of cases. There is limited data on treatment outcomes of patients with malignant ovarian germ cell tumours (MOGCT). Here, we present our hospital audit of patients with MOGCT.

Material and methods: This is a retrospective data review of patients with MOGCT treated between May 2011 and December 2019. Patients were treated with staging laparotomy and adjuvant chemotherapy, wherever applicable. Surveillance was allowed for those at low risk for recurrence. Clinicopathologic features and treatment details were recorded, and survival analysis was performed.

Results: Sixty-five patients with a median age of 25 years (range: 11–52 years) were treated during the study period. The most common histology was immature teratoma in 35.3% of cases. International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics stage IC was the most common stage of presentation (47%). Surveillance was advised for 12.3% of cases. Systemic therapy was given in 51 (78%) patients. At a median follow-up of 46 months (range: 1–109 months), the median progression-free survival (PFS) was not reached. Five-year PFS was 79.3% (95% CI: 65.8–88). The most common toxicity was febrile neutropenia (22%) among those who received systemic therapy.

Conclusion: Immature teratoma was the most common histology in our series. The majority presented in the early stage. MOGCT is a highly curable disease with surgery and systemic therapy.

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