
Special Issue

Palliative care for cancer patients in Sudan: an overview

11 Dec 2014
Nahla Gafer, Ahmed Elhaj

Sudan is facing an increasing number of cancer patients every year, and cancer is now among the top ten killer diseases in the country. The majority of cancer patients are diagnosed with an advanced type of cancer where curative treatment has little, if any, effect. The need for palliative care (PC) is urgent. In spite of this, there is no established programme for comprehensive cancer control in the country. In
this article we review the state of PC services available for cancer patients.

A PC service started in 2010 as an outpatient service at the main oncology centre in Sudan. With the help of international bodies, several training activities in PC were held. Currently the service includes an outpatient clinic, a nine-bed ward, and a limited home-care service. PC has started to reach two other hospitals in the country.

Unfortunately, the need is still great; the services provided are not fully supported by the hospital administration. And even now, thousands of patients outside the cities of Khartoum and Medani have no access to oral morphine.

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