

Conservative treatment for well-differentiated endometrial cancer: when and why it should be considered in young women

17 Jan 2019
Michele Peiretti, Francesca Congiu, Enzo Ricciardi, Paolo Maniglio, Valerio Mais, Stefano Angioni

The aim of this review was to update current knowledge on the conservative treatment of endometrial cancer (EC) based on a literature review. A web-based search in the MEDLINE database was carried out on EC management and treatment. All relevant information has been collected and analysed. Case series were mainly found in the literature search. Conservative treatments were offered to young patients with stage I low-grade endometrioid carcinomas of the endometrium. Different options included high/low dose progestin treatments, hysteroscopic resection of the disease, a levonorgestrel intrauterine device or a combination of various strategies. The overall complete response rate was near 76.5% with a recurrence rate of up to 33.8%. Pregnancy outcomes reached rates of 64.8% for live births. The current clinical outcomes show that conservative treatment aimed at preserving fertility is feasible for stage I endometrial well-differentiated adenocarcinomas in motivated patients under close monitoring.

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