
Clinical Study

Predictors of pathologic complete response to neoadjuvant treatment in HER2-overexpressing breast cancer: a retrospective analysis using real-world data

6 Jan 2022
Isabel Saffie Vega, Jorge Sapunar Zenteno, Felipe Buscaglia Fernandez, Felipe Reyes Cosmelli, Rodrigo Lagos Chavez, Badir Chahuán Manzur

The human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (ERBB2, HER2 or HER2/neu) is a transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor that is overexpressed in approximately 20% of breast cancers. The use of the anti-HER2 monoclonal antibodies Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab in association with chemotherapy has achieved a higher percentage of pathologic complete response (pCR) than conventional chemotherapy. The purpose of our study was to identify factors that could affect the therapeutic response of patients with breast cancer and HER2 overexpression treated with cytotoxic chemotherapy plus double HER2 blockade in neoadjuvant setting at Fundación Arturo López Pérez (FALP). A case–control study was designed to evaluate the effect of clinical and histopathological variables on the response to neoadjuvant therapy. Ninety-four women with non-metastatic breast cancer and HER2 overexpression received neoadjuvant combination chemotherapy with Trastuzumab and Pertuzumab at FALP during the period 2017–2020. Seventy percent of patients achieved pCR, and in the group of hormone receptor negative patients, 89% of patients achieved pCR. Different variables were analysed trying to look for clinicopathological predictors of complete response. This study provides us with real-world data on the efficacy of using this treatment combination in our population of HER2-overexpressing breast cancer patients.

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