
Case Report

Metastatic prostate cancer mimicking a rectal cancer: a case report

23 Sep 2021
Alfredo V Chua Jr, Alvin Christopher S Chu, Ashraf A Tawasil, Michael D San Juan

The most common presenting symptoms of prostate cancer, a common cancer in males worldwide, are lower urinary tract symptoms. In rare cases, however, urinary symptoms may not be apparent, and patients can present with gastrointestinal symptoms instead. Even rarer is the involvement of non-regional lymph nodes such as the cervical nodes. Here, we report a case of a 50-year-old male who initially presented with constipation and an enlarging left lateral neck mass. Further work-up revealed metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma and the patient dramatically responded to chemotherapy, androgen deprivation therapy and bone support therapy. This case highlights the importance of considering a prostate malignancy in a male patient presenting with gastrointestinal symptoms and a neck mass even in the absence of lower urinary tract symptoms. Serum prostate specific antigen, pathologic findings and immunohistochemistry staining are important to guide the clinician in making the correct diagnosis and treatment.

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