PIONEER research associates from both academic and industry discuss their experience of working together

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Published: 13 May 2019
Views: 479
Claudio Sartini, Katharina Beyer, Eleni Vradi, Dr Lisa Morris, Dr Kostas Dimitropoulos, Dr Peter-Paul Willemse

PIONEER is a European Network of Excellence for Big Data in Prostate Cancer, consisting of 32 partners, including ecancer, across 9 countries. Our goal is to ensure the optimal care for all European men living with prostate cancer by unlocking the potential of Big Data and Big Data analytics.

The PIONEER research associates describe how they came to be involved in the PIONEER project and what work they have been involved in since they joined.

For more information about the project, please visit the PIONEER website.

PIONEER is funded through the IMI2 Joint Undertaking and is listed under grant agreement No. 777492. This joint undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.