Introducing oncology to undergraduate medical and allied health sciences students

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Published: 8 Dec 2023
Views: 353
Dr Soumitra Shankar Datta - Tata Medical Center, Kolkata, India

Attendees of the 2nd ecancer TMC Oncology Congress 2023 at Kolkata, India, share their reflections and feedback from the conference.

They highlighted the sessions as being detailed, informative and 'crisp' and 'to the point'.

Dr Soumitra Datta also shares his reflections, beginning by sharing how pleased he was with the participation of the attendees and also the commitment of many to attend from further parts of India and beyond.

He details the content of the conference and particularly highlights the session by delegates who had submitted their own research with prizes for the top three presentations.

Dr Datta hopes to continue these congresses in the future for medical students and young oncology professionals.