Choosing wisely: Setting up clinical trials and research networks in India

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Published: 20 Feb 2020
Views: 671
Dr Bhawna Sirohi - Max Institute of Cancer Care, Saket, New Delhi, India and Prof Usha Menon - University College London, London, UK

Dr Bhawna Sirohi speaks to Prof Usha Menon at the Choosing Wisely: Value added cancer care for India event in Delhi about how to 'choose wisely' when organising clinical trials and research networks in India.

Prof Menon believes that India needs to set the research agenda by identifying what the problems and then interventions that are right for India.

She points out that the ICMR have created opportunity for Indian investigators to put forward projects in key areas where solutions are much needed.

Prof Menon also believes that India could learn from organisations in the UK to better support collaboration between academic institutions and hospitals to lead clinical trials.