BGICC 2019

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Published: 28 Jan 2019
Views: 1770

"In the 11th BGICC,17th-18th January,2019. We are aiming to set a new bar and reach to the future with our continuous effort as we strongly believe that “Cancer is a disease not a Death Sentence”, through holding Multidisciplinary sessions, workshops as well as some consensus sessions focusing the light on the main points of Debate and there is no doubt that your participation will definitely help us to fulfil this aim."

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Cancer is a worldwide problem, it is not dedicated to one country. This year it was a great success, we have registered about 3,500 attendees or participants from all over the world. We have about 90 international speakers from different areas. One of our aims is to colour the event so we have people from Africa and other participants from India, from Singapore, from China, from Russia and from the United States and also from Europe and, of course, from the Middle East and from Egypt. So this is very, very important to go for a platform that may help later for improving the education and also improving the research activity.

It’s very important to go for the educational part and the clinical activity and the clinical research activity, but very, very important to enhance the translational part. So this year we have a huge translational part in collaboration with the United States, with Russia, with China, in drug discovery. One of the main objectives of the conference is to educate the young generation and also to enhance the interrelationship and the communication between all the countries to improve the learning curve of the participants to be at the international level.

Cairo is the most crowded city in the Middle East and also we have now a very, very good, safe atmosphere so it is very important it is now the heart, Cairo is the heart of Africa and the Middle East. Also we have a lot of advances in oncology management in comparison to the other areas in the region so it is very important to gather all in Cairo. But we are very happy to collaborate, to be in any place in the world so there is no barrier. Cairo, from 7,000 years before, usually accommodates all to be inside this beautiful country.

We want to go for our next generation dream to have this conference as a platform for research and to have better and de novo research that will be published inside the conference for the first time from the region. I want to welcome all to Cairo and I think it is important to collaborate. If we will collaborate we will win the war against cancer.