My name is Milena Cavic, I come from the Institute for Oncology and Radiology of Serbia in Belgrade and I’m very happy to be here with you today to present the results of the Diagnostics Working Group of the IASLC Early Detection and Screening Committee. We’ve been performing some important work concerning implementation of screening programmes in low and middle income countries and we would like to get your help to get the widest outreach as possible.
The project was centred, actually, on covering the current state of the art in implementation of early detection and screening programmes worldwide. We focussed on researching data that is present in literature and also we performed very extensive research in our own countries because we have some members from low and middle income countries in the Diagnostics Working Group. The idea was to present all the obstacles that we could find and that we could reach consensus on, discuss them and initiate broader research on the topic, providing evidence-based guidelines on what the perspectives on the topic would be.