
ecancermedicalscience is an open access cancer journal focused on under-resourced communities. In order to help reduce global inequalities in cancer care and treatment, we provide free access to all articles from the point of publication and we only charge authors who have specific funding to cover publication costs.

The journal considers articles on all aspects of research relating to cancer, including molecular biology, genetics, pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical reports, controlled trials (in particular if they are independent or publicly funded trials), health systems, cancer policy and regulatory aspects of cancer care.

Editor-in-Chief: Dr Enrique Soto Pérez de Celis MD, PhD, FASCO

ISSN: 1754-6605
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Tomás Reinert, Alessandra Borba Anton de Souza, Guilherme Parisotto Sartori, Fernando Mariano Obst, Carlos Henrique Barrios
Ndimofor Chofor, Pierre Bopda, Rebecca Bücker, Azeh Ivo, Ernest Okonkwo, Kra Joel, Zanzem Tung, Taofeeq Ige, Holger Wirtz, Wilfred Ngwa
Rebecca KS Wong, Verna Vanderpuye, Joel Yarne, Ntokozo Ndlovu, Nwamaka Lasebikan, Ewa Szumacher, Zahra Kassam
Duilio R Rocha-Filho, Renata D’Alpino Peixoto, Rui F Weschenfelder, Juliana F M Rego, Rachel Riechelmann, Anelisa K Coutinho, Gustavo S Fernandes, Alexandre A Jacome, Aline C Andrade, Andre M Murad, Celso AL Mello, Diego S C G Miguel, Diogo B D Gomes, Douglas J Racy, Eduardo D Moraes, Eduardo H Akaishi, Elisangela S Carvalho, Evandro S Mello, Fauze Maluf Filho, Felipe J S Coimbra, Fernanda C Capareli, Fernando F Arruda, Fernando M A C Vieira, Flavio R Takeda, Guilherme C C Cotti, Guilherme L S Pereira, Gustavo A Paulo, Héber S C Ribeiro, Laercio G Lourenco, Marcela Crosara, Marcelo G Toneto, Marcos B Oliveira, Maria de Lourdes Oliveira, Maria Dirlei Begnami, Nora M Forones, Osmar Yagi, Patricia Ashton-Prolla, Patricia B Aguillar, Paulo C G Amaral, Paulo M Hoff, Raphael L C Araujo, Raphael P Di Paula Filho, Rene C Gansl, Roberto A Gil, Tulio E F Pfiffer, Tulio Souza, Ulysses Ribeiro Jr, Victo Hugo F Jesus, Wilson L Costa Jr, Gabriel Prolla
Majd Kayali, Joseph Abi Jaoude, Paul Ramia, Hazem Assi, Fady Geara, Philip Poortmans, Youssef H Zeidan