Junta editorial

Dr Daniel Vorobiof

Belong.Life, New York, USA

Dr Daniel Vorobiof

Dr Vorobiof obtained his MD degree from the University of Cordoba, Argentina, followed by a Doctor in Medicine diploma from the University of Pretoria, South Africa (1987). In 1980 he joined the Department of Medical Oncology at the University of Pretoria, South Africa.

He was the Founder and Medical Oncology Director of the Sandton Oncology Centre, Johannesburg from July 1989 until Dec 2017.

Dr Vorobiof is a member of many national and international oncology societies. He served on the International Affairs Committee of ASCO (1999 – 2001), and as a member of the ASCO International Strategic Planning Task Force (2001). He was the ESMO Regional Representative (Sub-Saharan Countries, 2005 – 11), and a member of the ESMO Developing Countries Task Force from 2004 – 7. During 2004-6 he was a Faculty Member of the International Oncology Board.

Dr Vorobiof is on the Editorial Board of various international oncology medical journals (The Breast, Cancer and Chemotherapy Reviews, The ASCO Post, Journal of Global Oncology as well as ecancer).
From 2008 – 2014 he was an Associate Editor for the Annals of Oncology. From 2008-18 he was the Editor of Annals of Oncology, Southern Africa Excerpts. From 2016-2019 he was the Editor of Live for Life, a South African magazine dedicated to cancer patients and their families.

Dr Vorobiof was a founder member and served twice as Chairman (1999 – 2005) of the South African Society of Medical Oncology (SASMO). He was the founder and past Chairman of the South African Melanoma Advisory Board (SAMAB), founder member and past Director of the South African Oncology Consortium (SAOC), as well as founder member and past Director of the Prostate Cancer Foundation of South Africa.

Dr Vorobiof has been involved in clinical research nationally and internationally with a number of International Cooperative Oncology Groups: International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG), the Breast International Group (BIG), the WHO Melanoma Group, European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK)] , and with other multicentric co-operative clinical trials in South Africa, Europe and North America, as well as Pharmaceutical companies sponsored clinical trials.

He has published more than 120 research articles in international peer reviewed medical oncology journals, and has presented at numerous national and international congresses. He is an active panelist and Faculty member of the Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC 2-6) International Consensus Conference. Dr Vorobiof has been the convenor of several International and National Oncology congresses in South Africa and other countries with ESO, as well as with SASMO, SAMAB and the Melanoma World Society (MWS).

In 2008 he received the Gynecological Oncology Award (Dept. of Gynecology, University of the Witwatersrand). In 2013 he was the Sealy-Falkson Honorary Lecturer at the 16th National Congress of SASMO / SASCRO.

Dr Vorobiof retired from active clinical practice in January 2018 but remains active in oncology education and in several fronts such as being a member of the European School of Oncology (ESO) Core Faculty in Breast Cancer and Malignant Melanoma as well as a Visiting Professor with the European School of Oncology.

Since April 2018 Dr Vorobiof is the Medical Director of Belong.life, the largest worldwide mobile social network and application for cancer patients and caregivers.  

Since April 2019, Dr Vorobiof is the Section Head, Oncology Drugs, Faculty 1000 Medicine (Oncology), a literature service that helps clinicians and researchers stay informed about key findings in medicine.