
Case Report

Efficacy of 90Y ibritumomab-tiuxetan treatment in a case of resistant gastric MALT non-Hodgkin's lymphoma

13 Mar 2008
PF Ferrucci, A Vanazzi, C Crosta, G Pruneri, C Grana, M Bartolomei, G Paganelli, G Martinelli

Treatment modalities for resistant/relapsing gastric mucosa associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) are not yet well standardized. In the past, most patients were treated surgically with a gastrectomy, while, more recently, radiotherapy and systemic approaches (chemotherapy and immunotherapy) have been used with improving results.

Here, we report the case of a patient affected by MALT NHL resistant to antibiotics, chemotherapy and immunotherapy, who achieved a durable complete remission after radio-immunotherapy treatment with Zevalin (90Y ibritumomab-tiuxetan), administered in a single-standard dose. This observation must be confirmed on a larger series but suggests that radio-immunotherapy may be a valid approach in treating relapsing MALT NHL patients, or those resistant to conventional therapies, so avoiding more aggressive and toxic approaches.

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