

Post-genomic clinical trials: the perspective of ACGT

21 Jan 2008
N Graf, C Desmedt, F Buffa, D Kafetzopoulos, N Forgo, R Kollek, A Hoppe, G Stamatakos, M Tsiknakis

Advancing Clinico Genomic Trials (ACGT) is an EU co-funded project that develops open-source semantic and grid-based technologies in support of post genomic clinical trials in cancer research. It addresses clinicians bio-researchers as well as software developers providing an open platform where novel and powerful services can be offered and put to use by practitioners in the field.

This article discusses the ACGT's approach to collecting and dealing with genomic data. It also looks at the ACGT's ultimate objective providing a unified technological infrastructure which will facilitate the seamless and secure access and analysis of multi-level clinical and genomic data enriched with high-performing knowledge discovery operations and services.

By doing so it is expected that the influence of genetic variation in oncogenesis will be revealed the molecular classification of cancer and the development of individualised therapies will be promoted and finally the in-silico tumour growth and therapy response will be realistically and reliably modelled.

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