

Health-seeking behaviour of breast cancer patients receiving care at a tertiary institution in Ghana

6 Sep 2024
Florence Dedey, Josephine Nsaful, Kirstyn E Brownson, Ruth Y Laryea, Nathaniel Coleman, John Tetteh, Joe-Nat Clegg-Lamptey, Benedict N L Calys-Tagoe

Background: Breast cancer incidence rates are rising in Africa and mortality is highest in West Africa. Reasons for poor survival are multifactorial but delays in seeking appropriate health care result in late presentation which contributes significantly to poor outcomes. Total delays of more than 3 months have been associated with advanced stage at presentation and poorer survival.

Method: A cross-sectional design was used to assess delays in health-seeking behaviour in consecutive breast cancer patients receiving treatment at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital (KBTH) from January to December 2022 using a structured, interviewer-administered questionnaire. Data were gathered to assess health-seeking behaviour in relation to delays in a presentation to a health care facility, and factors that may have influenced the delays. Statistical analysis was done using descriptive and inferential analyses.

Results: The study involved 636 participants with a mean age and SD of 52.6 ± 12 years. Most participants were diagnosed with Stage 3 or 4 breast cancer (56.5%). Ninety percent of participants had visited at least one health facility prior to seeking care at KBTH. Forty-two percent of the participants sought care at a health facility less than a month after noticing symptoms of breast cancer while 34.4% did so greater than 3 months after noticing symptoms. Delays showed a significant association with age, marital status, educational level, average monthly income and cancer stage (p < 0.05). Common reasons for delays were lack of knowledge of breast cancer signs and/or symptoms (47%), advice from family and friends (15%), financial difficulties (9%), seeking alternate treatments (7%), competing priorities (6%) and indifference (5%).

Conclusion: Lack of knowledge about breast cancer was a major cause of delay in seeking health care in this study. Education should specifically target knowledge about breast cancer and the need for appropriate and timely health seeking.

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