Current status in treating lung cancer

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Published: 21 Dec 2016
Views: 1817
Dr Clarissa Baldotto - COI Group, Brazil

Dr Baldotto speaks with ecancertv at the IX French-Brazilian Oncology Congress about recent advances in treating lung cancer, and how that translates to Brazilian clinics.

She highlights a difference in access to drugs, but notes that new therapies will be arriving in Brazil soon, and could be incorporated into multi-disciplinary care

I was moderating the lung cancer sessions yesterday and today. Lung cancer this year was very, very exciting because you have lots of new treatments, a new approach for the patient, so we have really good reviews about what we have.

We don’t have all these kinds of drugs in Brazil so it’s really important for Brazilian oncologists to hear from people that work with the new drugs, their experience. Especially yesterday we had a panel with surgeons, radio-oncologists and also pneumologists and this kind of multidisciplinary approach is really important. So I would point out these new drugs, new approach to the patient, that they are coming to Brazil next year and also this kind of multidisciplinary approach based on clinical case, these kinds of rich discussions where you put the experience of the whole team.