Training of surgical oncologists in UK and Europe

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Published: 25 Nov 2015
Views: 2719
Dr Ricardo Audisio - University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK

Dr Ricardo Audisio talks to ecancertv about his presentation at the XII Congress on Surgical Oncology in Salvador de Bahia, concerning the importance of the training of young surgical oncologists within Latin America.


XII Congress Brazilian Society of Surgery Oncology

Training of surgical oncologists in UK and Europe

Dr Ricardo Audisio - University of Liverpool, Liverpool, UK

Training of surgical oncology in UK and Europe

Training is crucially important because we want to make sure that the young generations are up to the job, they are capable of providing the most up to date treatment. The trick that really makes the point in surgical oncology is the multidisciplinarity. It’s working together, it’s being able to understand pathological issues, genetic issues, nursing issues, and discussing with oncologists and radiotherapists so that the patient is not treated uniquely from a surgical point of view but is taken into context and is really offered the best option.

The training is crucially important because this is where, in such a world where communication is so fast and international interaction is so easy, having top training and disseminating top training across the world will make life better for the young generation: they can travel, they can commute, they can upgrade their knowledge and patients also will benefit because of this much easier option of travelling across the world.

What is your opinion about this Congress?

I think this is a fantastic opportunity; I’m so grateful to the Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology and the newly established Latin American Society that they invited the North American SSO, they invited the European ESSO and other colleagues from across the world. It’s a) personally very enjoyable meeting old friends here in this fantastic venue, but also, as I was saying, crucially, fundamentally, crucially important to discuss educational issues with the young generation internationally. That’s why we are working together with the North American SSO to develop a global curriculum which will design the pavement for international knowledge in cancer surgery.