Highlights in store at the 7th European Breast Cancer Conference, 24 - 27 March

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Published: 18 Feb 2010
Views: 8160
European Breast Cancer Conference
In anticipation of the many highlights in store at the 7th European Breast Cancer Conference, 24 - 27 March, key experts highlight the uniqueness of full patient integration at EBCC meetings and underline just some of the key topics that will be up for discussion next month at EBCC-7 in Barcelona including:
The role of local regional treatments, combinational therapy, multidisciplinary approaches and teams, improved cosmetic outcome in surgery, the need to address over treatment of patients as well as the future of academic research and trials.

ecancer Managing Editor Prof Gordon McVie talks to: Alain Fourquet (FR) EBCC-7 Conference Chair ,
Emiel Rutgers (NL) Member, EBCC-7 Organising Committee , David Cameron (UK) Member, EBCC-7 Organising Committee , Davi Kaur (BE) Head of Congress Unit, ECCO - the European CanCer Organisation.