Adjuvant therapy in early stage ER-positive, HER2 - invasive breast cancer

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Published: 10 Dec 2013
Views: 2030
Dr Hope Rugo - UCSF Carol Franc Buck Breast Care Center, San Francisco, USA

Dr. Hope Rugo shares her experience on the recommended treatment approach for ER-positive, HER2- breast cancer patients. She comments on what is the expected benefit of adjuvant chemotherapy and endocrine therapy in luminal breast cancers and mentions that one of the greatest challenges is to understand the heterogeneity of the tumor.

She also provides interesting comments on the use of criteria like tumor grade and size to select the patients for adjuvant chemotherapy as well as the usage of IHC markers such hormone receptors ER-positive, PR and Growth Factor Receptor HER2 to identify patients for chemotherapy.

Finally, she speaks about tools such Adjuvant! Online and Predict and debates if these tools could be used to select luminal breast cancer patients confidently for adjuvant chemotherapy.


This programme has been supported by sponsorship from Genomic Health.