SABCS 2023: Latest breast cancer diagnostics guidelines

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Published: 13 Dec 2023
Views: 3353
Prof Nadia Harbeck and Prof Giuseppe Curigliano

Prof Giuseppe Curigliano (European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy) and Prof Nadia Harbeck (LMU University Hospital, Munich, Germany) discuss the latest breast cancer diagnostics guidelines.

They talk about the updates on the role of the Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score and its impact on best practice in care for breast cancer patients.

Prof Harbeck also highlights the latest guideline advice regarding breast cancer and genomics from St Gallen and the upcoming ESMO guidelines.

They further discuss the findings from the ADAPT-TP trial and the monarchE trial and conclude by talking about what the future holds for genetic testing including ctDNA detection and its impact on diagnostics in breast cancer.

This series of lectures is funded by an educational grant from Exact Sciences. There is no influence over content.