The 2022 OncoAlert Colloquium Day 5: GI Oncology

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Published: 31 Jan 2023
Views: 48
Dr Gilberto Morgan - Skåne University Hospital in Lund, Sweden

Dr Gilberto Morgan introduces the fifth day (27th January) of the 2022 OncoAlert Colloquium.

Day five of the Colloquium focusing on the best of GI Oncology in 2022 and hosts the following key speakers:

Dr Cathy Eng (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA) presents on 'Colorectal Cancer'.

Dr Sharlene Gill (VC Cancer Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada) covering 'Gastric and Oesophagus Cancer'.

Dr Mark Lewis (Intermountain Health, USA) covering 'Pancreatic Cancer'.

Ms Allison Rosen (American Cancer Society, USA) on 'The Patient Perspective in GI Cancers'.

Dr Nina Sanford (UT Southwestern, Dallas, USA) presenting 'The Best in GI Cancer Radiotherapy'.

Ms Kathi Apostolidis (ECPC President) on the 'European Cancer Patient Coalition (ECPC)'.

Dr Hongcheng Zhu (Fundan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, China) presenting the ESO Session: 'Health Related Quality of Life in Oesophageal Cancer'.

Finishing with Dr Grant Williams (University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA) presents the 'SIOG Session 2: Integrating Geriatric Assessment.