
New haematology nursing intiative supported by ecancer board member

22 Jan 2015
New haematology nursing intiative supported by ecancer board member

by ecancer reporter Audrey Nailor

A distinguished member of ecancermedicalscience's Editorial Board is part of a new movement to support nurses and other healthcare professionals through the rapidly evolving landscape of haematology.

Ms Sarah Liptrott, of the European Institute of Oncology, Milan is the secretary and treasurer of the recently launched Haematology Nurses and Healthcare Professionals Group.

The Haematology Nurses and Healthcare Allied Professionals Group is an international non-profit organisation dedicated to educational and scientific purposes, which hopes to enable nurses and healthcare professionals to deliver optimal care to patients and support their families.

The group will be dedicated to spreading and sharing the latest news in haematology and nursing, by developing educational programmes, promoting & performing research, and collaborative working with national and international working groups and related associations.

"I think my inspiration for taking on this role is very much linked to my desire to give something back and support my colleagues," Liptrott says.

Ms Liptrott worked in the field of haematology nursing for over ten years. During her previous role as a Clinical Nurse Specialist, she had the opportunity to attend European haematology meetings. 

She noticed that these meetings were predominantly clinician-led, and although they were a fine opportunity to learn and develop, many nursing aspects of patient care simply weren't addressed. 

After being involved in discussions with other experienced and like-minded haematology nurses, the idea was born. 

"I think the group is going to be a really exciting forum to allow for dissemination and sharing of the practice that we as nurses and healthcare professionals are involved in," says Liptrott, "And also a way to work together in the future to further develop high-quality patient care."

Learn more about the Haematology Nurses and Healthcare Professionals Group at their website.