Editorial Board

Professor CS Pramesh

Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India

Professor CS Pramesh

Dr C S Pramesh is the Director of the Tata Memorial Hospital and the Professor and Head of Thoracic Surgery at the Tata Memorial Centre, Mumbai. He has been serving on the UICC Board of Directors since 2020. He is the convener for the National Cancer Grid, a large network of 300+ cancer centres in India (https://tmc.gov.in/ncg). The mandate of the National Cancer Grid is to provide uniform standards of cancer care across the country.
Pramesh is highly committed to efforts towards reducing inequities in cancer care and making cancer treatment accessible to all geographic regions and strata of society. He is a recipient of the prestigious Rachel Pearline global cancer research humanitarian award from the National Cancer Institute, USA. 

He is a visiting professor at the Division of Cancer Studies, King’s College London, the Institute of Cancer Policy, King’s Health Partners, London, and the National Cancer Center Graduate School of Cancer Science and Policy, Korea. He serves on the advisory boards of several national and international research organizations and granting agencies. including ASCO, ESMO and the UICC. 

His clinical interests include the management of esophageal and lung cancers and minimally invasive surgery. He is the Principal Investigator in several investigator-initiated research studies including randomized trials on cancer screening, surgical techniques, neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatment of thoracic cancers. His research interests include health services research, value-based care, addressing barriers to access, and cancer policy. He has more than 300 peer-reviewed journal articles, abstracts and book chapters on various topics including thoracic oncology, clinical research methods, translational research, cancer policy and health disparities. 

Prof Pramesh has strong interests in clinical trial designs, surgical trials, comparative effectiveness research, promoting collaborative research, health services research, and cancer policy. He is a Post Graduate Diplomate in Clinical Trials from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, University of London. He is keen on promoting training in clinical research methods and conducts several courses on clinical research methodology, biostatistics and scientific writing.