
Case Report

Double primary malignant fibrous histiocytoma and squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx treated with laser laryngeal conservation surgery

25 Apr 2016
PD Karkos, S Dova, S Sotiriou, K Markou, I Kostopoulos

Βackground: Synchronous multiple malignancies of the larynx are rare. We present a case here of synchronous primary laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) in a patient with hoarseness though with no history of exposure to radiation. Clinical, intraoperative, and histopathological findings in this patient are discussed.

Methods: Wide laser excision of the left supraglottic lesion and laser cordectomy of the right true vocal cord were performed. Results: The patient presented with a recurrence of the ΜFH alone (with no recurrence of the SCC) two months after the first operation and was managed with an extended second look laser cordectomy. The patient is under regular follow-up and remained disease-free nine
months from diagnosis.

Conclusions: Our results show that early-stage simultaneous tumours of the larynx and particularly MFH and SCC can be treated efficiently with endoscopic laryngeal surgery alone. Close follow-up is of paramount importance because of the aggressive nature of MFH.

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