
ecancermedicalscience is an open access cancer journal focused on under-resourced communities. In order to help reduce global inequalities in cancer care and treatment, we provide free access to all articles from the point of publication and we only charge authors who have specific funding to cover publication costs.

The journal considers articles on all aspects of research relating to cancer, including molecular biology, genetics, pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical reports, controlled trials (in particular if they are independent or publicly funded trials), health systems, cancer policy and regulatory aspects of cancer care.

Editor-in-Chief: Dr Eduardo Cazap, MD PhD (President SLACOM)

ISSN: 1754-6605
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Pan Pantziarka, Ciska Verbaanderd, Vidula Sukhatme, Rica Capistrano, Sergio Crispino, Bishal Gyawali, Ilse Rooman, An MT Van Nuffel, Lydie Meheus, Vikas P Sukhatme, Gauthier Bouche
Federica Tomao, Anna Di Pinto, Carolina Maria Sassu, Erlisa Bardhi, Violante Di Donato, Ludovico Muzii, Maria Cristina Petrella, Fedro Alessandro Peccatori, Pierluigi Benedetti Panici
Alasdair J Scott, Claire A Merrifield, James L Alexander, Julian R Marchesi, James M Kinross
Rafael José Maurette, Marcos García Ejarque, Matías Mihura, Mariano Bregante, Diego Bogetti, Daniel Pirchi
Cristina Stefan, Freddie Bray, Jacques Ferlay, D Maxwell Parkin, Biying Liu