2016 Genitourinary Cancers Symposium
This year’s program will include important sessions on localised and advanced disease, immunotherapy, health care outcomes, and challenging cases in both common and rare GU tumour types.
Year in Review and Keynote sessions will spotlight high-profile speakers on key advances published since last year’s meeting and forward-looking lectures covering different disease sites.
The program will also incorporate abstract presentations highlighting the latest research results, and expert faculty discussants to place these findings into context and review their clinical implications.
Early-career oncologists can take advantage of a special networking session designed to allow them to meet and talk with faculty in an informal setting.
In addition to viewing posters in three all-day poster sessions, attendees will be able to access unique podcast Audio Poster Tours and listen to key experts providing insight on select posters.
For a detailed look, including times, session titles, and faculty, view the programme here.