OECI 2013 Oncology Days
13 - 16 May 2013
Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels, Belgium
The OECI is a network of cancer institutes which aims to improve the quality of cancer care and translational research in Europe from an organisational viewpoint. Although physicians, nurses and researchers, constitute the core of cancer care and research, a smooth organisation, efficient logistics and state of the art complex infrastructure is needed to accelerate the production and application of personalised care approaches: the comprehensive cancer centre. A strong organisation of cancer institutes at a European level, such as OECI, is needed to contribute to the diffusion of knowledge on the quality of organising cancer care and translational research.
The OECI is a continuously developing network, presently regrouping 70 cancer centres and institutions across Europe. The OECI is working dynamically in crosscut expertise projects organised by involving the OECI Working Groups, activities and Members. Currently, there are 6 main Working Groups and 2 Activities which develop tools and programmes that can assist in improving cancer care through education, quality improvement, production of options and recommendations, standardising the molecular pathology approaches.
OECI cooperates with representative professional organisations at a European level and investigates possibilities to team up with its American counterpart, the American Association of Cancer Institutes. It aims to improve the quality of care and of the research at a European level also in collaboration with the European Commission with a bottom up approach. With various countries we explore the possibility to transfer at national level tools developed thanks to a European cooperation and which could be tailored for national use, such as the OECI accreditation and designation system.
The OECI is also exploring how to facilitate the interaction among national cancer coordinating bodies and authorities to facilitate the possible transfer of already tested organisational practice and check the feasibility to extend their applications at more wide European level.
The 2013 Oncology Days, organised in conjunction with the 2013 Annual General Assembly, aim to improve the role of the Organisation in supporting the coordination role that Europe needs to reduce fragmentation, to give the possibility to all the cancer patients to receive the best cures and to evaluate the costs-benefits linked with the application of new therapeutic approaches in order to avoid unnecessary care approaches.
We thank the local Organisers and in particular the UZVUB Oncologic Center and the Institut Jules Bordet which make possible the event.
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