European Cancer Organisation: Time To Act

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Published: 19 May 2021
Views: 877
Professor Mark Lawler - Queens University Belfast, Belfast, UK

Professor Mark Lawler speaks to ecancer about ECO’s ‘Time To Act’ campaign.

He initially explains the aims and objectives of this campaign.

Prof Lawler says that cancer does not wait. Immediate action is needed to restore cancer services and ‘build back better, and smarter’ in line with ECO’s 7-point Plan.

This requires innovative solutions to strengthen cancer systems and provide the best possible care to cancer patients across Europe.

Prof Lawler mentions that as part of the Time To Act campaign, European citizens are urged to play their part by watching out for common cancer warning signs (e.g. bleeding when you go to the toilet, a lump in your breast, difficulty swallowing, unexpected weight loss) and he encourages people with these suspicious symptoms to immediately go to their doctor.