REGOSARC – activity of regorafenib in advanced non-adipocytic STS

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Published: 14 Nov 2019
Views: 1683
Professor Jean-Yves Blay and Professor Florence Duffaud

Soft tissue sarcoma (STS) is a heterogenous group of cancers, consistive of over 80 histological entities and even more molecularly distinct subtypes. Although treatment of resectable is well-defined, guidance becomes limited in the metastatic setting. After doxorubicin-based treatment, there are a multitude of cytotoxic options; however, the activity of these agents varies depending on the specific subtype of STS.

The REGOSARC trial was a set of phase II trials that explored the activity of regorafenib in patients with different types of STS. A fifth cohort of this trial evaluated the effect of regorafenib after pazopanib in non-adipocytic STS.

Overall, the trial demonstrated positive (but different) effects across STS subtypes, indicating a potential future role in the management of sarcoma.

This independent educational activity is supported by an educational grant from Bayer Pharmaceuticals. The educational content has been developed by Liberum IME and validated by an independent steering committee; Bayer Pharmaceuticals have had no influence on the content of this education.

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