Connecting science, practice and patient outcomes: Use of BRAF inhibitors for treating metastatic melanoma in clinical practice

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Published: 19 Mar 2015
Views: 2669
Dr Bart Neyns - Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussels, Brussels, Belgium

Dr Neyns discusses how results from preclinical research on the clinical development programme of selective BRAF-inhibitors for the treatment of patients with BRAF V600-mutant metastatic melanoma can be understood and highlights key considerations arising from initial clinical study results regarding our understanding of the therapeutic profile of small molecule BRAF-inhibitors. He also provides an overview of data on real-world and long-term follow-up experience with BRAF-inhibitors.

See also:

BRAF 'behind the scenes' in melanoma: A scientific story of discovery

Response and resistance with BRAF inhibitors: Mechanisms, markers and unanswered questions

GSK has paid for the organisation costs of the symposium and honoraria for the chairperson and speakers. GSK has contributed to the agenda and content of the meeting.

Zinc code: OF/ONC/0003/15d

Date of preparation: February 2015