The role of genomic testing in personalised medicine for breast cancer

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Published: 6 Dec 2011
Views: 15749
Professor David Miles, Mount Vernon Hospital, London, UK

In this interview with Professor David Miles, a leading breast cancer expert from London, the role of ONCOTYPE Dx in the management of breast cancer was discussed.


ONCOTYPE Dx offers a novel and complimentary diagnostic test for women with node negative, ER positive and HER 2- invasive breast cancer. It scores the breast tumour on 21 different genes involved in breast cancer, giving a Recurrence Score (between 0 and 100), which shows the likelihood of breast cancer returning within 10 years of the original diagnosis. Early findings from prospective trials indicate that a low Recurrence Score may determine which patients do not need chemotherapy. It is not meant to replace current diagnostic tools but to work in partnership with the likes of Adjuvant on-line, to provide a provide both the oncologist and patient a more complete picture of their disease and how best to treat it.


We are now at a point where we can truly apply a more personalised approach to clinical practice, so  improving treatment decisions for our patients. 


This programme has been supported by sponsorship from Genomic Health.