Advance Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference 2021: Report

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Published: 29 Apr 2022
Views: 148
Prof Silke Gillessen and Prof Aurelius Omlin

Prof Silke Gillessen (Oncology Institute of Southern Switzerland, Bellinzona, Switzerland) and Prof Aurelius Omlin (Kantonsspital St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland) discuss the updates regarding APCCC 2021.

Prof Gillessen notes that the most important discussed at this conference was metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer. They discussed triplet therapy for mHSPC and the history behind it.

Prof Gillessen mentions the statistics of how many oncologists would give triplet therapy to their patients based on their disease stage. The conference also covered systemic treatment choices in addition to ADT. The panellists at the conference also voted on how they would treat a patient if the patient showed low-volume disease by conventional imaging but high volume disease by next-generation imaging.

Prof Omlin discusses PSMA PET/CT for staging localised prostate cancer. He also mentions the data obtained at the conference regarding Lutetium-PSMA therapy for a certain set of patients. Prof Gillessen concludes by discussing the agenda for APCCC 2022 and what is there to look forward to.

Read the full paper here.