
How to pick the best open-access journal for your work?

14 Oct 2015
How to pick the best open-access journal for your work?

With a huge array of choices ahead of them, how should researchers pick the best open-access journal for their work? A new campaign advises researchers to "think, check, and submit" using a set of criteria.

"Think. Check. Submit. is a new campaign led by representatives from organisations across the industry," explains Claire Redhead of the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA).

"The campaign will help researchers understand their options, and key criteria they can check before making an informed decision about where to submit."

We've previously published our own suggestions for determining whether an open-access journal is a trustworthy place for your work, as we are very keen on this important topic.

In our opinion, Think. Check. Submit. offers a particularly simple and attractive interface that will be easy for researchers to reach for.

It's also a good way to raise awareness.

Researchers should still use a healthy dose of their own judgement when choosing journals - although that is presumably covered by "Think!"

ecancermedicalscience is an non-profit open-access cancer journal that accepts articles in all areas of cancer research. Learn more about why you should publish with us - our guidelines are also a great opportunity to try out the checklist from Think. Check. Submit. !