
UK patients failed as 62 day wait target continues to decline

13 Aug 2015

Cancer patients are being failed as new figures released show that the 62-day-wait target for treatment has suffered its worst breach since records began in 2009.

Emma Greenwood, head of policy at Cancer Research UK said: “Today’s figures yet again show thousands of cancer patients are being failed with a further decline in the 62-day-wait treatment target. Waiting times published in May showed the worst breach since records began in 2009. But today’s figures are even worse.

“There have been repeated failures to meet the target for the last 18 months and half of all NHS trusts in England are now breaching the ‘62 day target’. England’s cancer survival already lags behind comparable countries and will only get worse if the target continues to be breached. This cannot be allowed to continue.

“These targets exist to ensure swift diagnosis of cancer and access to treatment. Patients want confidence that suspected cancer is taken seriously and is a priority for the NHS. These breaches have become a trend and they are worsening. This is why urgent action must be taken to deliver the recommendations in the new Cancer Strategy to support the NHS and ensure it has the resources it needs to meet this challenge.”


NHS England figures relating to waiting times:

Source: Cancer Research UK