Capacity-building fund: Call for projects from 15 September 2009
A new call for projects will be launched on 15 September 2009 for UICC’s Cancer Capacity-Building Fund. The fund, which has this year supported 16 projects in 13 countries, provides support to voluntary organization members in resource-constrained countries to deliver community-based education and information-dissemination projects that are able to demonstrate long-term sustainability. The Fund was established with contributions from countries implementing Relay For Life - an event licensed and supported by the American Cancer Society
Beginning in 2009, the Cancer Capacity Building Fund, which has so far dispersed US$ 270,000, will prioritise projects that directly support the goals and objectives of the World Cancer Declaration. Launched at the 2008 World Cancer Congress, World Cancer Declaration is a global call to action aimed at bringing the growing cancer crisis to the attention of policymakers at the national, regional and global levels. It sets out 11 comprehensive, achievable, time-bound targets for the delivery of effective cancer prevention; early detection, treatment and palliative care worldwide.
In order to be considered, applicants must demonstrate how their project directly advances the achievement of at least one of the 11 World Cancer Declaration Targets.
Representatives from organizations that have implemented the most innovative projects will be invited to present their work at the 2010 World Cancer Congress in Shenzen, China.
Just one of the many successful projects being carried out is the one in Nicaragua where The Central American Institute of Health (ICAS) has implemented a prevention campaign dedicated to the fight against tobacco with a particular focus on achieving smoke-free schools. Speaking on behalf of ICAS, Zoyla Segura Guevara is thrilled with what they have been able to achieve thanks to their capacity-building fund grant: “We have observed that the tobacco epidemic in Nicaragua is really taking off, particularly among young people, so we are very happy to have obtained tools and support from UICC to assist us in the fight against tobacco. In all our activities we have put a lot of emphasis on prevention, which is vital to the current stage of the epidemic in our country. We have had meetings with directors and sub-directors of many of the local schools where we discussed the issue of smoking and the relevance of their commitment in the fight against tobacco. During this meeting we have presented videos with the aim to raise more awareness on the issue. The meetings generated a lot of interest in the project and (sub) directors are now receiving the project with open arms and actively participating".
The Fund offers grants of USD 10’000-15’000. Grants are awarded for projects with duration of 4-6 months with the possibility of extension for one further year.
Special consideration will be given to organizations that develop collaborative projects with local partners (nurses’ organizations, researchers, local government, schools) with complimentary capabilities and resources in order to create powerful synergies and extend the project’s impact.
UICC Cancer Capacity Building Fund Funded by countries implementing Relay for Life ® APPLICATIONS OPEN: 15 SEPTEMBER 2009 APPLICATIONS CLOSE: 30 OCTOBER 2009 Eligibility: Voluntary organizations with UICC membership located in resource-constrained countries. Amount: 10,000-15,000 USD Priority areas: Education, information dissemination
Visit for more information and to read more about the fund including eligibility requirements and the application and selection process.
Projects funded in 2009
Armenia | Open Medical Club: Breast cancer early detection and prevention in Armenia phase II
Ghana | Cancer Society of Ghana: A Cancer Code for Africa: Information and Advocacy for Cancer Awareness and Prevention in Ghana
Indonesia | Indonesian Cancer Foundation, Yogyakarta Branch: Roles of local community leaders on breast cancer information dissemination to improve knowledge, attitude and behavior in early detection of breast cancer; A project at Bantul District of Indonesia.
Kenya | Kenya Cancer Association: Developing a comprehensive cancer legislation for Kenya
Kenya | Reach to Recovery, Kenya: Grassroots awareness campaigns
Kyrgyzstan | Social Fund Ergene: Cancer prevention and awareness community project in Kyrgyzstan: “Information treatment” for communities
Nepal | Nepal Cancer Relief Society: Education on early symptoms, early stage diagnosis of cancer and tobacco products control project in Nepal
Nicaragua | Instituto CentroAmericano de la Salud: Strengthening civil society’s capacity to fight against tobacco in Nicaragua, an appropriate and effective manner: achieving smoke-free schools, phase II
Philippines | Cancer Warriors Foundation Inc.: Mobilizing Barangay health workers in the fight against childhood cancer
Tanzania | Medical Women Association Of Tanzania: Pre-campaign education and awareness on early signs and symptoms of cervical and breast cancer-Arusha/Moshi, Tanzania
Tonga | Child Cancer Foundation of Tonga: Resource Centre
Uganda | Uganda Women's Cancer Support Organisation: Breast cancer awareness campaign (BCAC)
Uganda | Uganda National Association for Nurses and Midwives: Awareness Campaign Cancer among Nurses and Community health works
Ukraine | Women Health & Family Planning: To improve quality and effectiveness of cervical cancer prevention in Ukraine.
Ukraine | Zaporuka: Early diagnostic in Ukraine
Uruguay | Comisión Pro Fomento Vecinal Cuauhtémoc Uruguay: Control del tabaquismo y la creación de guías para la cesación de tabaquismo en embarazadas en un área suburbana y rural de Montevideo , Uruguay mediante la implementación de las intervenciones basadas las mejores prácticas en la comunidad.