
ecancer Editorial Board member elected president of AACR

19 Mar 2014
ecancer Editorial Board member elected president of AACR

ecancermedicalscience Editorial Board member José Baselga has been chosen by the members of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) as their president-elect for 2014-2015. Dr Baselga, who is physician-in-chief at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, is an internationally recognized physician-scientist whose research focuses on the clinical development of novel molecularly targeted agents for the treatment of cancer, particularly breast cancer.

“I am deeply honoured to serve as president-elect of the AACR. These are both exciting and challenging times in the fight against cancer. Advances in our knowledge of cancer are resulting in the fulfilment of the promise of precision cancer medicine. Unprecedented breakthroughs are occurring in genomics, targeted therapeutics, and immunology, just to name a few,” Dr Baselga said.

“Together with the whole AACR community, I will push forward on multiple fronts including regulatory science and policy, integration of basic and clinical research, and access of clinical trials to our patient population with the clear mission of advancing progress in the prevention and treatment of cancer.”

ecancermedicalscience is honoured to have Dr Baselga on our Editorial Board and we look forward to continuing our collaboration with him to achieve his mission.

Watch Dr Baselga talking about personalised medicine, giving advice to young oncologists and discussing the CLEOPATRA trial on ecancertv.

Source: AACR