The European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM) is undertaking a survey to assess barriers to access personalised medicine in the EU.
The purpose of the survey is to identify key indicators and factors contributing to the use and access of Personalised Medicine across the EU (horizontal study). We aim to develop from these key indicators and factors an EU Personalised Medicine Access Index. For this, we developed this questionnaire which focuses on access to personalised medicine treatment and care across the EU, with a focus on testing.
The questionnaire is divided into 4 sections, general, cancer, payment/reimbursement and infrastructure general. The questionnaire will take around 15 minutes to complete and will remain completely anonymous.
If you kindly fill out this, this would be very helpful. Here are links to the surveys targeted at the following groups related to your expertise:
Healthcare Professionals:
HTA Professionals:
Many thanks for your time to fill this out. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me or Denis Horgan (
Best Regards,
Gordon McVie, Managing Editor or ecancer
We are an independent charity and are not backed by a large company or society. We raise every penny ourselves to improve the standards of cancer care through education. You can help us continue our work to address inequalities in cancer care by making a donation.
Any donation, however small, contributes directly towards the costs of creating and sharing free oncology education.
Together we can get better outcomes for patients by tackling global inequalities in access to the results of cancer research.
Thank you for your support.