ecancer recently celebrated it's 5th birthday at the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, it's founding institute.
Since launch in 2007, as the first non-profit open access cancer journal, the site has expanded across many content areas to lead the way in cancer communication.
ecancer continues to publish peer-reviewed research under a platinum open access model: Free to publish and free to read.
The team has attended hundreds of conferences from Tanzania to San Diego, published thousands of news stories and video interviews with doctors, researchers, nurses, advocates, policy makers and patients alike, viewed millions of times worldwide.
The open access journal, ecancermedicalscience, has been extremely successful - now publishing 80% more articles than we were in our launch year.
The journal is now listed in PubMed, PubMed Central, Scopus, Embase, EBSCO and Google Scholar so ecancermedicalscience articles are being viewed thousands of times each month.
Articles from 25 countries around the world on all areas of cancer research have been published. The journal now has a custom built submission and article tracking system to make the publishing experience as easy and rapid for authors as possible.
Publication time has been cut to only two months, maximum, from submission to online publication.
ecancer is now set to continue the success of the last 5 years with new projects spanning Europe and Latin America, providing the latest cancer information for free to all.