A new review article published in Genes & Diseases explores the intricate relationship between non-coding RNAs and oxidative stress in cancer progression shedding new light on the mechanisms that drive tumour development.
As cancer incidence continues to rise, particularly among younger populations, researchers are uncovering key molecular interactions that could transform the landscape of targeted therapies.
Cancer cells thrive by manipulating genetic networks, allowing them to evade normal regulatory processes.
A significant breakthrough in understanding these processes is the discovery of how non-coding RNAs regulate messenger RNA production and protein binding, influencing cell growth, invasion, and metastasis.
These molecules, which do not encode proteins, represent a crucial yet largely untapped resource for therapeutic intervention.
One of the most critical contributors to cancer progression is oxidative stress, a state driven by an imbalance of reactive oxygen species (ROS) within cells.
ROS play a dual role in cancer, promoting DNA damage, genomic instability, and tumour proliferation, while also serving as a potential vulnerability that can be exploited for treatment.
The emerging evidence highlights that non-coding RNAs actively participate in modulating oxidative stress responses, making them prime candidates for precision medicine strategies.
Among the key cellular processes impacted by oxidative stress and non-coding RNAs are angiogenesis, autophagy, cancer metabolism, and epithelial-mesenchymal transformation—all of which are essential for tumour survival and adaptation.
By targeting these molecular interactions, scientists are paving the way for therapies that could override drug resistance, a major challenge in current cancer treatment.
The intricate interplay between circRNAs, lncRNAs, and miRNAs with ROS generation pathways holds the potential to disrupt cancer progression at multiple levels.
Recent findings also point toward the role of non-coding RNAs in metabolic reprogramming, particularly in reshaping energy production in cancer cells.
Through mechanisms such as the Warburg effect, tumours exploit non-coding RNAs to optimise glucose metabolism, sustain rapid proliferation, and evade oxidative stress-induced damage.
This highlights the need for innovative treatment strategies that leverage non-coding RNA modulation to restore metabolic balance and suppress tumour growth.
As research continues to unveil the intricate crosstalk between non-coding RNAs and oxidative stress, the potential for novel, highly targeted cancer therapies grows.
These insights mark a significant step toward developing personalised medicine approaches that could enhance treatment efficacy and improve patient outcomes.
Source: Compuscript Ltd
The World Cancer Declaration recognises that to make major reductions in premature deaths, innovative education and training opportunities for healthcare workers in all disciplines of cancer control need to improve significantly.
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