Welcome to ecancer essential. Here you can read about ecancer's contribution to our research projects and how any new developments can help you.
In this edition you can find out about:
ecancerHub, the new social media platform for the cancer community will be launched at the 2011 European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress on the 23rd of September. Join us for the launch at 12:45 in Stockholm to hear about how the site integrates the best social media technology into one unique platform.
The site gives the cancer community the opportunity to discuss, debate, generate new ideas, gather opinions and build knowledge not only within their own groups, but also cross-community.
ecancer is working in partnership with the University of Milan and the European Institute of Oncology to run a trial on patient empowerment. The trial is looking into how the cognitive and psychological profile of patients affect their ability to become involved in deciding the treatments that are most suitable for them. The trial will launch in September 2011 with the results expected in 2012.
The trial is being run as part of the p-medicine European project.
EurocanPlatform is an EC funded project that was launched earlier in 2011. The project brings together 28 European cancer Institutions and organisations to work together in a unique collaboration. Ecancer is leading the information dissemination and communication, encouraging the centres to share infrastructures and collaborate on projects to help advance cancer research and treatment.
The overarching aim of the project is to improve outcomes for cancer patients and reduce mortality; this will be achieved by focusing on three key areas of research: prevention, early detection and improved treatments.