
Swiss Bridge call for young researchers to apply for award

22 Mar 2017
Swiss Bridge call for young researchers to apply for award

Investigators from academic and cancer research institutions in Europe are invited to submit a note of intent for a new cancer research project on or before 30 April 2017.

Swiss Bridge is a private foundation associated with the Swiss Cancer League, the Swiss Cancer Research foundation and the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC), and supports high-quality cancer research in Europe.

This year, young investigators (<45) with projects focusing on the tumour microenvironment are eligible for application.

The proposals will be evaluated by an international scientific jury.

6 – 8 investigators will be shortlisted and invited to submit a detailed research application by end of July 2017.

Upon peer review and recommendation from the scientific jury, up to 3 projects will receive funding amounting to a total support of 500,000 Swiss francs.

The winners will be invited to an award ceremony to be held in Zurich on 25 October 2017.

The entire note of intent including attachments may not exceed 6 pages (3000 words) and must include:

  • the title of the project
  • the name, address and affiliation of the principal investigator
  • the domain of research (basic, clinical, translational, other – please specify)
  • the principal investigator’s short curriculum vitae
  • a support letter from the employer
  • the name(s), address(es) and affiliation(s) of the co-applicant(s)
  • the project period (max. 3 years)
  • the amount of financial support requested (max. 300 000 Swiss francs)
  • Please note: The award does not cover any indirect, infrastructure or overhead costs, which must be met by the research institution.
  • a summary of the project (1–2 pages)
  • a list of up to 12 publications by the principal investigator (please provide the following information: h-index, total number of publications and total sum of citations) and
  • a statement regarding the relevance and potential contribution of the project to cancer control (1–2 pages)

Please ensure the information provided in your proposal is complete and adheres to the above guidelines before submitting to

For more details, read about the prize here.

Source: Swiss Bridge