
Macmillan Cancer Support warn of 'unsustainable pressure' on UK cancer workforce

21 Feb 2017
Macmillan Cancer Support warn of 'unsustainable pressure' on UK cancer workforce

Macmillan Cancer Support has published a report calling for stronger leadership to address challenges facing the cancer workforce in the NHS.

The report, Thinking Differently, warns that workforce shortages across the NHS mean that there are not enough cancer professionals to address the needs of a growing cancer population.

Macmillan also reports that cancer professionals who are in post face increasing and more complex caseloads, with the result that they are unable to make full use of their skills.

The report warns that:

  • Previous analysis by Macmillan estimated that there was a gap of 3,400 Clinical Nurse Specialists across the UK. We have estimated there could be a deficit of 7000 posts by 2030, if the workforce doesn’t grow and trends in cancer numbers continue
  • While good patient experience is strongly associated with access to a Clinical Nurse Specialist, one in 10 patients in England do not have access to one
  • Macmillan Clinical Nurse Specialists have reported a rise in colleagues leaving the profession and a growing tendency not to replace these roles, or to replace them on temporary contracts
  • Macmillan professionals have reported to the charity that their time is ‘increasingly stretched’ and that it is taken up by ‘doing non-specialist tasks’, particularly as more of their time is taken up with admin. One remarked that ‘I need to be able to target my specialist skills, and not at the photocopier.’
  • A third of nurses are due to retire in the next 10 years, and Macmillan fears that pressures will mean these are not replaced

Macmillan Cancer Support fears that increased stress and low morale among professionals could have a knock-on effect and prevent the cancer workforce from providing a seamless, coordinated experience for patients. Macmillan warns that without a sustainable cancer workforce, the NHS will not be able to deliver high-quality care to everyone living with cancer in the future.

Macmillan Cancer Support urges Health Education England (HEE) to consider a more ambitious approach, starting with holding a thorough review of the cancer workforce.

The charity warns that unless HEE works with other national bodies, such as NHS England and the Department of Health, to develop a clear long-term plan – as recommended in the Cancer Strategy – the situation could deteriorate rapidly.

While the national vision should set a framework for the cancer workforce, Macmillan recognises that there is no ‘one-size fits all’ solution.

Local bodies and organisations, including Cancer Alliances, will have a significant role to play in making sure this national vision works.

The charity’s report recommends five solutions, which it believes are necessary to address workforce issues, including improving career pathways to specialist cancer roles, as well as enhancing the skills, confidence, and communication of existing staff.

Dr Rosie Loftus, Joint Chief Medical Officer at Macmillan Cancer Support, said “NHS professionals are telling us that the pressure upon them has never been greater. This is impacting hugely on their capacity to deliver the care they believe their patients need. Doing nothing is no longer an option – the NHS simply will not be able to provide people living with cancer with safe and effective healthcare if we don’t see action now.

“While Macmillan has an important role to play in developing and supporting the future cancer workforce, we cannot achieve transformational change alone. It is only by coming up with a workable and thorough plan that we can drive the necessary change across the country, so that doctors, nurses and other professionals can face the future with confidence.”

Dr Fran Woodard, Executive Director of Policy and Impact at Macmillan Cancer Support, said “The NHS needs a workforce with the right skills to meet the future challenges of a cancer population that is growing in both size and complexity. It is important that professionals are able to provide the highest quality care to patients and it is vital that these challenges are addressed now to enable them to make best use of their specialist skills.

“If the workforce issues aren’t addressed urgently by Health Education England and the Department of Health, there is a very real risk that the situation will unravel and we won’t provide the right standard of care for future generations of people with cancer.”

Source: Macmillan Cancer Support