
Rsearchers show how a targeted drug overcomes suppressive immune cells

11 Nov 2016
Rsearchers show how a targeted drug overcomes suppressive immune cells

A Ludwig Cancer Research study shows that an experimental drug currently in clinical trials can reverse the effects of troublesome cells that prevent the body's immune system from attacking tumours.

The researchers also establish that it is these suppressive cells that interfere with the efficacy of immune checkpoint inhibitors.

This class of immunotherapies lifts the brakes that the body imposes on the immune system's T cells to unleash an attack on cancer cells.

"Though checkpoint inhibitors have durable effects when they work, not all patients respond to the treatment," says Taha Merghoub, an investigator at the Ludwig Memorial Sloan Kettering Collaborative Laboratory who led the study with Director Jedd Wolchok. "Part of the reason for this is that some tumours harbour tumour-associated myeloid cells, or TAMCs, that prevent T cells from attacking tumour cells."

In a study published online today in Nature, Merghoub and his team used mouse models of cancer to show that the effects of TAMCs can be reversed by an appropriately targeted therapy.

To show that TAMCs were indeed involved in resistance to checkpoint blockade, the researchers used a specific growth stimulant to increase their number in melanoma tumours to create a suitable model for their studies.

They found that this made the tumours less susceptible to checkpoint blockade.

"We were able to make a tumour that was not rich in immune suppressing myeloid cells into one that was," says Merghoub.

Having established a link between TAMCs and checkpoint inhibitor resistance, the researchers next set out to test the hypothesis that blocking immune suppressor cell activity would improve immunotherapy response.

To do this, they used an experimental drug manufactured by Infinity Pharmaceuticals called IPI-549.

The drug, which is available for clinical use, blocks a molecule in the suppressor cells called PI3 kinase-gamma.

Blocking this molecule changes the balance of these immune suppressor cells in favour of more immune activation.

"We effectively reprogrammed the TAMCs, turning them from bad guys into good guys," Merghoub said.

IPI-549 dramatically improved responses to immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) therapy for tumours with high concentrations of TAMCs.

When checkpoint inhibitors were administered to mice with suppressed tumours, only 20% of the animals underwent complete remission.

When the same drugs were administered with IPI-549, that number jumped to 80%. IPI-549 provided no benefit to tumours lacking the suppressor cells.

Merghoub and his team also showed that tumours that were initially sensitive to checkpoint inhibitors were rendered unresponsive when their TAMC concentrations were boosted with growth stimulants.

Taken together, these results indicate that TAMCs promote resistance to checkpoint inhibitors and that IPI-549 can selectively block these cells, thereby overcoming their resistance.

Merghoub said the findings help pave the way for a precision medicine approach to immunotherapy that will allow cancer treatments to be tailored to a patient's particular tumour profile. "We can now potentially identify patients whose tumours possess immune suppressor cells and add a drug to their treatment regimen to specifically disarm them," he added.

Source: Ludwig Institute For Cancer Research