
Conference Report

Report from the first Tanzania Liver Cancer Conference: a call for action to unite in the fight against liver cancer in Sub-Saharan Africa, 17–18 March 2023, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

2 May 2023
Ally Mwanga, Eric Mbuguje, Jared Alswang, Nathan Brand, Andrew Swallow, Deogratius Beda Mwanakulya, Charles Pallangyo, Seif Wibonela, Eva Uiso, William Kitua, Saleh Pazi

The first Tanzania Liver Cancer Conference (TLCC2023) took place on 17–18 March 2023 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania with the aim of raising awareness among healthcare providers on the problem that liver cancer poses to the Tanzanian population and the urgent need to address this important issue. The conference focused on the following agenda items: 1) to build awareness among local healthcare providers on the status of liver cancer in Tanzania and the available diagnostic and management options, 2) to update Tanzanian healthcare providers on the current standard of care for liver cancer provided in developed countries and recent advancements in liver cancer care and 3) to promote an inclusive and multidisciplinary approach in research and the clinical care of patients with liver cancer in Tanzania. TLCC2023 was preceded by community-facing pre-conference activities, including screening 684 community members for hepatitis B virus free of charge. The conference was attended by 161 healthcare professionals from varying disciplines across Tanzania and abroad. TLCC2023 featured over 30 speakers from Tanzania, Kenya, Egypt, India and the United States that comprehensively covered a wide range of topics related to research and clinical care of liver cancer patients. A holistic and unified approach integrating both private and public sectors is vital in improving care for patients with liver cancer, and this was a common theme ingrained in the majority of presentations. Overall, the conference was well-received by attendees and knowledge assessment scores improved from 50% pre-conference to 75% post-conference (p < 0.001), demonstrating its educational value. As Tanzania’s first conference on the subject, TLCC2023 marked an important milestone in a united fight against liver cancer in the country and beyond.

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